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Bosses are an enemy type that can cast abilities to enhance themselves or attack the player's dice. They are usually summoned during Boss phases in various modes. A boss drops 10x SP of a regular enemy.

In the berserk Waves of PVP (Wave 10+), the Challenge/Card Mine modes for coop, and other specific events, berserk bosses will spawn as stronger variants of their original counterparts. Each berserk boss gains increased health, movement speed, and ability frequency amongst other unique upgrades listed below.


Will summon two normal monsters with one small monster every certain interval.

In berserk state: Monsters are summoned at an increasing distance ahead of the boss as the waves progress.


Will silence two of your dice every certain interval, making the dice unable to attack or merge with other dice for the duration of the effect.

In berserk state: Silences an increasing amount of dice per cast.


Will randomize all dice on your board every certain interval.

In berserk state: Activates its ability one additional time on death.


Will alternate between summoning a meteor to destroy a dice on your board and healing itself for a certain percentage of its max HP.

In berserk state: Gains scaling damage reduction while in the animation of casting either of its abilities, and drops additional meteors per cast.


Will lower half of your dice's dot counts once. After roar, every certain interval, will dash forward, ignoring any slowness debuffs (not including stall dice).

In berserk state: Dice affected by roar will lose an increasing amount of pips (greater than one). The roar ability will also be casted an additional time on death.


Will hack two of your dice every certain interval. Hacked dice will heal monsters instead of damaging them.

In berserk state: An increasing amount of dice are affected, and the boss gains scaling damage reduction during the ability cast animation.


Will summon a random boss other than Basilisk with half of its current HP.

In berserk state: Summoned bosses appear in berserk state.


Will split upon being defeated, can only split twice. Each smaller slime retains 30% of original max HP.

In berserk state: Slime becomes able to split an increasing number of times as the waves progress, and lose less of its original movement speed upon splitting.


Will mark a dice with a gravity effect. After 3 seconds, the marked dice will be force-merged with another dice if possible. This ability will prioritize mergeable dice when available.

In berserk state: Gains scaling damage reduction during the duration of the ability cast animation, and casts the gravity effect an additional time upon death.