General Tips

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  • It is not recommended to merge dice until you have a full board of dice. Exceptions are when merging to dodge an effect such as assassin dice or Magician's meteor or to activate an effect such as assassin dice or sacrifice dice.
  • SP management is key. Avoid powering up your dice until you either A. Have a full board and/or a proper set-up or B. Need to in order to increase chances of surviving a wave (if you aren't doing enough damage to keep pushing the wave back).
  • If there is a legendary ore or dice in the daily shop, always buy it if you can.
  • Avoid using DPS dice alone; Most DPS dice were designed to be used with a buff/support dice such as Lunar or Scope dice. Some examples of such dice are Recharge, Overheat, and Rage dice. Some examples of dice that do not need a buff/support dice are Lightning Cloud, Satellite Strike, and Star dice.
  • Use offensive dice in PvP; Many people frown upon this, but it is almost necessary in the current meta. Some are better than others. Assassin dice is the most popular one, followed by Phantom Thief dice and Ignition dice.
  • Commit in Co-op; Trying to be a hybrid between a DPS and a support is a bad idea. You will not be able to keep your damage high enough to DPS because you need SP to keep supporting, and you cannot support properly because you spend a lot of SP on attempting to DPS. It is much more efficient to go one way or the other.
  • Meta isn't always meta; Sometimes, it's better to choose dice that are easier for you. For example, Predator dice is one of, if not the best DPS dice in the entire game, but it gets very tedious after a while. You may find it easier to just use something like YinYang dice. It isn't as effective, but it's quick to set up and easy to use.
  • Dice class matters; This doesn't apply to all dice, but it does apply to a lot of them. Two very big examples of this would be Lunar dice and Soul dice. Lunar's stat sheet is deceptive. At class 12 and up, the math behind it allows you to get up to 2000% attack speed, the maximum the game will allow, at 7-dot counts. Soul dice class increases the damage gained per soul, which really adds up, even if it's only class 7 to class 8.
  • Be creative; It's not a bad idea to take an existing deck and change out a dice or two to see how it effects the functionality of the deck.
  • Play the game; Legendary dice don't grow on trees.
  • Watch ads; More specifically, watch the ads for the daily shop refresh. With the recent change allowing you to refresh the shop via ads up to 3 times per day, you can double your chances of finding legendary dice in the shop.