Enemy Types

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In the gameplay, enemies will be summoned so that the player has to defeat them. Letting an enemy reach the end of the track will often cause damage to the player's heart gauge.


Square shaped and small, they are the first enemy you will encounter in this game. It is summoned thru the enemy portal.


Small circle, they have reduced health but is faster than regular enemies. It is summoned thru the enemy portal at certain intervals.


Larger square, they have increased health and immunity to some instakill effects(Death and Hell for example). It is summoned thru the enemy portal at certain intervals. Minibosses drop 5x SP of a regular enemy.


See: Bosses


Small square with a grey tone, they don't drop SP on kill except when Instakilled, which gives 30% SP of a regular enemy. It is created by Instakilling an enemy with Death or Hell.

SP Crystal(?)

A diamond shape with cyan or magenta color, they will drop SP when killed. It is summoned thru the use of Metastasis dice. This enemy will not damage the health gauge.